Information regarding Authentication Modes while availing any service on Vahan Citizen Portal
1.Authentication modes for availing any service on Vahan Portal is as per directions from respective state and accordingly authentication modes are enabled or disabled.
2.So while availing any service wherever Aadhaar biometric authentication is only available mode then applicant may visit the nearest CSC or attach a biometric device to the laptop/ desktop to get authenticated.
3.If applicant does Aadhaar Authentication with Aadhaar number of a person other than registered owner then his/her application will be rejected and fees shall not be refundable.
4.For Services in the Contactless (eKyc) Services, if you apply through aadhar authentication then you do not need to visit RTO office for verification of uploaded documents.
5.For Services not in the contactless (eKyc) Services list, after submitting application, depositing fee and uploading required documents as per Motor Vehicle Act/Rules and booking a slot on a required date, you have to compulsorily visit the RTO along with the vehicle( if required) for verification of documents/vehicle.
6.For further details, Click on User Manual icon on top right of Home Page.
Non Contactless Services(For these services the applicant, after submitting application online / ARTO Office, depositing fee and submitting / uploading required documents as per as per Motor Vehicle Act/Rules and booking a slot (if required for a service), has to compulsorily visit the RTO along with the vehicle for verification of documents / vehicle) for ex. Fitness / Alteration related.